As I am typing this note on a dreary Friday afternoon, we are getting some much-needed rain. Many of the guys have seeding complete in other areas of Western Canada, however, close to here there are lots of acres to go.

I was able to listen in to the teleconference at the close of the two-day African Swine Fever International Forum held in Ottawa in April 30th and May 1st. There were 150+ in attendance at the forum from all over the globe, the objective of this meeting was to discuss the threat to the Americas and learn from those Countries already facing outbreaks. In the Q & A there were some good questions, even one from our very own Harry Siemens, but personally I felt not strong answers.
Still on the topic of teleconference, Alberta Pork hosted a Telephone Town Hall May 14, with some good strong information from Dr. Keith Lehman, Dr. Julia Keenliside and Javier Bahamon. The basis of the call was to update producers and industry on the ongoing plans to eliminate PED from the four affected farms in Alberta. Dr. Keith explained the steps being taken to get the producers back into business ASAP. He explained what protocols have been followed. Dr. Julia highlighted the progress of the four affected farms emphasizing feed mill biosecurity is very important and often missed. Javier thanked Manitoba Pork for their help and advice and what worked well for them when facing PED. Zones were once again emphasized; each farm should have plans in place for both their CAZ and more importantly their RAZ.
Thanks to all the producers who took the time to fill out and return our annual readership survey, much appreciated. I will as always have the binder with every returned survey with me at Alberta Pork Congress along with all the other trade shows. We will have the complete results in the August release. I’m once again very pleased with the positive comments and reassurance that producers continue to prefer Prairie Hog Country as their trusted source of hog news and information.
Speaking of Alberta Pork Congress, Arlene, Brenda and I will be at our usual corner. Please stop by and take a few minutes to fill out our door prize draws and say hi. I’m looking forward to attending the awards banquet on Wednesday evening to see who this year’s deserved award winners will be, plus the ever popular Olymel Reach for the Top awards. New this year at Pork Congress will be a BBQ competition later Thursday afternoon, excited to see, smell and taste the winning entries.
As always, June is also photo contest time. Send in your photos for a chance at the annual photo contest plus an opportunity to have your photographs included in the 2020 PHC Calendar. You can send in originals or email high resolution pictures. As I say every year please only send in pictures that are a positive reflection to our pig industry or as John likes to say pig sector. The deadline for the photo contest is July 23rd.
Check out Pork Chops for a complete list of upcoming shows, seminars, symposiums, workshops and meetings. Contact details are listed for each of the upcoming events. As so many plan ahead, I will have the release dates finalized prior to the August edition.
As always, I am only a phone call or email away. Prairie Hog Country, Box 5536, Leduc, Alberta T9E 2A1, 780.986.0962, fax 780.980.9640 or email:
Talk to you in August •