AB Pork Reminds Teachers
At the Greater Edmonton Teachers’ Convention (GETCA) held in February Alberta Pork was onsite with a booth. Christina Quinn, Agriculture Education Coordinator, was there to share how Alberta’s hog farmers want to share their passion for food production with students and educators with The Alberta Teachers’ Association.
Did you know – the Pig Science Centre, located at the University of Alberta farm in Edmonton, is an excellent opportunity to explore hands-on, agriculture-focused learning in alignment with the Your Alberta (Government of Alberta) Education curriculum.
Alberta Pork also recently hosted students enrolled in the U of A’s ART 340 – Drawing class, to help them hone their sketching skills while also learning how Alberta’s hog farmers are invested in education.The good news for budding artists is that real-life pigs can be viewed in a biosecure manner from our Pig Science Centre, which is connected to the Swine Research and Technology Centre (SRTC) at the University of Alberta farm in Edmonton.
The SRTC performs important work on behalf of the Alberta pork industry, in support of food safety, food security, food affordability and food sustainability for Albertans, Canadians and the world. •

Agriculture In the Classroom Together with Sask Pork & Manitoba Pork Partner Up
Make it Pork! Meal Kit Proud to Partner
In collaboration with Manitoba Pork and Sask Pork , we bring students a hands-on, curriculum-linked resource that meets learning outcomes for Grades 7 & 8 Food Studies courses. Students will gain experience cooking with pork, while practicing safe food handling guidelines and learning about pork’s nutritional qualities.
The Make it Pork! Mexi-Cali soup Meal Kit comes complete with all the ingredients needed to make the soup; optional garnishes are not included. Each kit is designed for one group of four students and includes the Student Resource. Additional nutrition resources can be found at manitobapork.com or saskpork.com, physical copies available upon request.
Both Manitoba Pork and Sask Pork have multiple teacher resources available on direct their websites or through the AITVC site, which are curriculum resources for various grades.
Agriculture In The Classroom (AITC), is a great way to connect kids with agriculture. Those raised in a urban enviroment, are not as fortunate to see, understand and patriciate in where their foods comes from. •

h@mas 2023 Top Producer Awards
At recent spring meetings the 2023 h@ms top producer awards were presented the following four catergories.
Paid Weight- Heavy

  1. Evergreen Colony Ltd. Somerset, MB
  2. New Haven Colony Farms Ltd. North, Argyle, MB
  3. Kyle Farming Co. Ltd. Kyle, SK
    Paid Weight- Light
  4. Southland Farming Co. Ltd. Herbert, SK
  5. Beechy Farming Co. Ltd. Beechy, SK
  6. Wymark Farming Co. Ltd. Swift Current, SK
    Average $ per Kilogram
  7. Bruinhorst Family Farm Ltd. Shaugnessy, AB
  8. Kyle Farming Co. Ltd. Kyle, SK
  9. Hillridge Farming Co. Barnwell, AB
  10. Wymark Farming Co. Ltd. Swift Current, SK
  11. Kyle Farming Co. Ltd. Kyle, SK
  12. Hillridge Farming Co. Barnwell, AB
    Congratulations to all the well deserved winners. •

Alberta Pork Introduces New Board Directors

Two new representatives from the Alberta pork industry have joined our board of directors, by acclamation: Alastair Bratton and Sandra Spruit, who will replace Brent Moen and Craig Thompson, both of whom have completed two consecutive three-year terms.
Alberta Pork’s fellow directors, staff and producers would like to thank Brent and Craig for their service. •